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Moody Month is a company that provides a daily wellness app and website tailored to women's menstrual cycles and hormone fluctuations.



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Moody Month is a company dedicated to empowering women to understand and manage their hormones and cycles. They offer a comprehensive approach to women's health, encompassing a mobile application, expert-written articles and essays, and a curated directory of support networks. The Moody Month app acts as a daily health and wellness tracker, providing personalized information and advice based on a woman's individual cycle and logged data.

The company emphasizes a holistic understanding of women's health, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and environment. They work with a team of expert advisors, including endocrinologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, and fitness professionals, to provide evidence-based information and support. Moody Month aims to empower women to take control of their well-being by providing knowledge, tools, and a supportive community.


Moody Month is a company dedicated to empowering women to understand and manage their hormonal cycles and overall well-being. Through their app, they offer personalized daily health and wellness tracking, expert advice from a team of female health specialists, and resources to support women in navigating their moods, energy levels, and symptoms throughout their monthly cycle. Their mission is to normalize conversations around women's health, provide evidence-based knowledge, and help women take control of their own well-being.

Improving quality of life/health
Science and research driven
Women’s fealth focused


Moody promotes a culture of self-awareness and empowerment for women. The company emphasizes the importance of understanding and owning one's moods, hormones, and body cycles, encouraging women to embrace their unique biological rhythms and make informed decisions about their health and well-being. This approach extends to the company's own team, which is composed of female health specialists from diverse backgrounds and expertise, creating a supportive and inclusive environment where women's voices and experiences are valued.



Moody Month is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, focusing on supporting the needs of women. They have a team of female health specialists, including endocrinologists, psychiatrists, physicians, cardiologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, and fitness experts, who contribute to the app’s content and development. This diverse team ensures a wider range of perspectives and experiences are incorporated into the Moody Month app, reflecting the diverse needs and experiences of the women they aim to serve.

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