The Work Index by Flexa

Deep Fission

Deep Fission is a company revolutionizing nuclear energy by placing small modular reactors a mile underground to provide clean and affordable electricity.



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Deep Fission is a company that aims to revolutionize the nuclear energy industry by developing and deploying small modular reactors (SMRs) one mile underground. This unique approach eliminates the need for expensive and time-consuming surface construction while providing inherent safety features thanks to the surrounding rock. The company leverages standardized pressurized water reactor (PWR) technology, which has a proven track record and an established regulatory path, to create modular microreactors capable of producing 15 Megawatts-electric each.

Deep Fission's mission is to provide clean, reliable, and affordable electricity to a wide range of customers, including utilities, data centers, heavy industry, the military, and government agencies. The company is actively engaged with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to obtain licensing for its technology and expects to have its first commercial reactors operational within three years of final site confirmation. With a team of experienced nuclear engineers, physicists, geologists, and Nobel laureates, Deep Fission is poised to lead the way towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.


Deep Fission's mission is to revolutionize the nuclear energy industry by providing clean, reliable, and affordable electricity through the innovative use of small modular reactors (SMRs) placed a mile underground. By leveraging existing pressurized water reactor (PWR) technology and placing it in a unique, deep underground environment, Deep Fission eliminates the need for costly surface construction while enhancing safety features and reducing the risk of costly accidents, proliferation, and natural disasters. Their modular design allows for scalability, meeting the energy demands of a wide range of customers including utilities, data centers, heavy industry, and the military.

Environmental impact driven
Improving quality of life/health
Science and research driven
Social impact led
Tech for good


Deep Fission cultivates a culture of innovation and collaboration, driven by a shared passion for addressing global energy challenges with a cutting-edge approach. The company values expertise and experience, attracting a diverse team of scientists, engineers, and specialists who bring a collective wealth of knowledge to the forefront. This collaborative environment fosters open communication, encourages the sharing of ideas, and promotes a spirit of continuous learning and improvement, all while maintaining a commitment to safety and responsibility.


Deep Fission's approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion is not explicitly described on their website.

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