The Work Index by Flexa

British Council

The British Council is the UK's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.


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The British Council is a UK-based international organization focused on building connections, understanding, and trust between the UK and other countries. They achieve this through initiatives in arts and culture, education, and English language learning. Founded in 1934, the British Council has a rich history of fostering international collaboration and exchange. They work across over 200 countries and territories, with a physical presence in over 100, reaching 600 million people in 2022-23.

Their mission is to promote a wider knowledge of the UK and the English language abroad, while developing closer cultural relations between the UK and other countries. The British Council is a registered charity, governed by Royal Charter, and operates as an executive non-departmental public body, funded through partnership agreements, contracts, philanthropy, teaching and exams, as well as a grant-in-aid from the UK government. Their work is guided by values of openness, expertise, optimism, and a commitment to inclusion.


The British Council offers a variety of work arrangements including flexible hours, remote working, and job sharing. They are also committed to promoting a work-life balance for their employees.


The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, aiming to build connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. Through their work in arts and culture, education, and the English language, they strive to create a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Environmental impact driven
Social impact led


The British Council cultivates a culture that values openness, inclusivity, and boldness. They encourage their employees to be experts in their fields and to embrace diversity in all aspects of their work. Their culture emphasizes collaboration, both internally and externally, while maintaining a sense of optimism and a commitment to positive change. The British Council strives for a culture of excellence, respect, and inclusion, encouraging employees to constantly learn and evolve in their roles.



The British Council is committed to ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are central to all of their work. They recognize that EDI is crucial for building meaningful and respectful relationships across different cultures. Their policy and strategy aim to create a more inclusive workplace and promote opportunities for under-represented groups, both within the organization and in the communities they serve. They focus on six areas of diversity – age, disability, sex and gender, race/ethnicity and culture, religion and belief, and sexual orientation – while acknowledging the intersectionality of these characteristics. They strive to create inclusive programmes and projects that bring together people with diverse experiences and backgrounds, ultimately contributing to more inclusive societies.

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