The Work Index by Flexa


Binarly is a global cybersecurity company specializing in firmware and software supply chain security.



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Binarly is a global cybersecurity company specializing in firmware and software supply chain security. Their flagship product, the Binarly Transparency Platform, is an AI-powered solution used by device manufacturers, OEMs, IBVs, and product security teams to identify known and unknown vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and malicious code implantation. Binarly's research team has a long history of uncovering high-severity vulnerabilities, including the LogoFAIL and PKfail vulnerabilities that have impacted millions of devices worldwide.

Binarly's mission is to create a shift left in cybersecurity, focusing on changing the way we detect and respond to threats and vulnerabilities at every layer of the supply chain. They are committed to providing comprehensive visibility and control over firmware security, empowering organizations to proactively mitigate issues before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Their platform combines advanced static analysis techniques with the latest research, advancements in machine learning, and their deep industry expertise to decode the software supply chain puzzle.


Binarly's mission is to revolutionize firmware and software supply chain security by providing a comprehensive, AI-powered platform that goes beyond traditional vulnerability detection methods. They aim to shift the security focus left, empowering developers and security professionals with advanced tools to proactively identify and mitigate known and unknown vulnerabilities, malicious code, and insecure coding practices, thereby securing the entire attack surface.

Science and research driven


Binarly fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration, attracting top talent with a shared passion for solving complex security problems. The company's research-driven approach emphasizes a deep understanding of firmware and software vulnerabilities, encouraging team members to actively contribute to groundbreaking discoveries and industry-leading solutions. This collaborative environment is evident through their open-source contributions and the close relationships they build with customers and security researchers.

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